We are Rob, Tracy, Marli and Ziggy - Nature lovers, sun chasers and slow pace makers. We love sharing our passion for life and adventure through this travel blog and our social posts via Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Tiktok with the hope to inspire others to get out and explore more.
Travel and adventure has always been apart of our lives individually and as a couple so when our 2 mini blondie babies Marli (9) and Ziggy (6) came along we didn’t let go of our passion for adventure, we embraced it even more by taking our mini’s along for the ride!
Rob is a Builder/Carpenter by trade and Tracy's background is in Photography, Graphic Design and Marketing, but in 2017 we decided to break away from the normal 9-5 work day 'hamster wheel’. We sold our Sydney house and gave away most of our possessions to live the simple life. We lived and travelled full time in our caravan exploring Australia for 2.5 years and have recently purchased a house to use as a 'home base' between our travels and adventures.
You can read about our latest adventures here as well as gain some useful travel tips and inspiration for your next family getaway - whether that involves caravan and camping, an overseas adventure or a luxurious resort stay - we cover it all.
We like to embrace the concept of slow travel - making sure we take the time to stop and smell the roses as it’s all about the journey, the people and the food as well as the destination. By sharing our travels we hope to inspire you to go out and explore this amazing world around us, especially with your family.
Please have a look around, make yourself comfy and we'd love you to sign up to our newsletter here so you can keep up to date with our adventures and travel tips. Want to work with us? Contact us for more we'd love to hear from you.
Part of the BCF, LEGO and Thermos family